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Soul Sensing : How to Communicate with Your Dead Loved Ones by Janice Carlson download book DOC, FB2


Think it's impossible to communicate with your dead loved ones? The fact is they're probably already communicating with you! Find out what they're saying with this groundbreaking book that teaches you the language and messaging methods of the dead. Having lost her mother and adoptive father to death by the age of 10, medium and psychic Janice Carlson uses her two decades of professional afterlife-communications experience to help you: Recognize the signs of visitation by your passed loved ones' souls, Pierce the veil between the living and the dead by awakening your 7 soul senses and improving your right-brain abilities, Sense the presence and messages of your dead loved ones using your chakras and intuition, Use afterlife-communication tools, Encourage visitation from your passed loved ones and pets, Monitor your night dreams for soul visitations and messages, Send messages to the dead and receive their replies on an ongoing basis, Understand the differences between being visited by spirits and being haunted, Learn why, how, and when to protect yourself from the spirits of the dead, Filled with true accounts of visitations and communications with the dead, this one-of-a-kind book offers a compassionate alternative to the traditional "They're gone; just move on" grief counseling. Afterlife communications aren't just for s�ances anymore. They're being used the world over to ease grief, help survivors move forward with their lives, and come to understand that most human souls do not perish, but continue to be active in our lives on a spiritual level. Book jacket.

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In this rousing line-by-line translation, award-winning poet Jeramy Dodds transmits the Old Icelandic text into English, placing it in the hands of poetry fans and scholars alike, without chipping the patina of the original., Gods, giants, violence, the undead, theft, trolls, dwarves, aphorisms, unrequited love, Valkyries, heroes, kidnapping, dragons, the creation of the cosmos and a giant wolf are just some of the elements dwelling within these Norse poetic tales.The Passionate Prayer Growth Plan is yours to embrace and personalize on your journey to a deepening life of prayer.Like Hudson Valley, N.Y., & Gulf Breeze, Fla., Topanga Canyon is considered a UFO hot-spot, with sightings that began more than fifty years ago & continue to this day.Book jacket., People who have bipolar disorder struggle with psychological balance, swinging between highly depressed and highly manic states.By using Scientific Remote Viewing, a highly-classified paranormal process developed by the U.S.Witness the sloppy repercussions and hectic hijinx that follow when the gods become bored.Well, it turns out there were strings and they tugged at her every time she had to return her dog to its weekday caregiver.